Monday, February 9, 2009

Friday Nite

Ok so friday night i am sitting at home doing school work and its about 9pm. Theres two apts under me that are loud with partys so im trying to ignore them so i can get some work done. well all of the sudden i hear two guys yelling at each other screaming. the one guy was yelling that he was gona kill the other one so the other guy said to him "slit my throat". Needless to say i called my dad cuz i was scared. And finally decided to pack my bags and go to my parents where i would be safe. I called my landlord and he failed to call me back. So the next two nights were hard for me to fall asleep. I was scared for my life. I talked to the landlord today about it tho. He had already spoken with the tenant. I guess what happened is the tennants friend showed up drunk and he wouldnt let him in so his friend was knocking on the other two doors down stairs with his pants down. Apt. b just ignored him but loked through his peep hole to see what was going on. Then in apt c. the girl answered and the guy then told her he should rape her. so the tenant in apt b came out and fliped out on the guy and finnaly the new tenant in apt a came out too and told his friend to leave. It was loud and crazy and scarey. Im probably confused everyone with this post. Needless to say my landlord said hes going to kick the guy out so it will be peaceful again and i wont be scared once that happens. Unfortunitly hes still there for tonight and for however much longer so i have to still deal with it all. I hate being alone. It seams like i never have enough stress cuz i keep getting more and more and more. I feel like i am going to freak out or something. Im getting emotional all the time and sooner or later i am going to have a melt down. I have no idea what to do. I have no time for anything... not even to go see a doctor. I work 6 days a week and have class on the seventh day and in between all of that i have so much school work its crazy. I am tired all the time, im sick with allergies, my eyes have been bloodshot for days. I really am losing it. And its not a good time to lose it. Ben is leaving on the 25th for his mission and thats more stress. So i guess im totally going crazy with this post now. Sorry, i am just writing out my fustrations. When will i get a break though? When is it my turn to breath? When can i take care of myself? I spend 6 days a week doing things for other people. But i have NO time to take care of myself. Man i really need a vacation?? Only like 3 months till graduation then i can breath... if i make it to three months before i freakout.


Chantel and Brian said...

I'm sorry everything seems so hard right now. I wish I could be there to help you out. I'll be praying for you.

Amy said...

I hope things will start looking up for you. It seems like we all have something. I want you to know that if you ever need a short get away, we are only in Philadelphia and we would love to have you visit. Good luck!!

Melissa said...

You do need a vacation! Some times you just have to throw it all to the wind and take some time for yourself. I hope you can find a way to do that!