Saturday, May 23, 2009

I thought I would leave a quick post letting everyone know how things are going. Only 117 days until steve gets to come home and I am so excited. I just booked a cruise for me and him to go on in January and we are excited to get away. School is going good but it keeps me very busy. Its so strange to be almost done for good. A few days ago I got in a Bike accident but it wasnt bad. I just have four nasty bruises and they will eventually go away. It was really embarassing but istill got back on the bike to bring it home. Needless to say I was done riding for the day. But i will get back on shortly again. I need to practice some more with my riding. Jessica graduates in a few weeks which is exciting for her and scary for me. I feel like i am getting so old now. haha. It will be fun to see family though and to watch her graduate. She will be going to the local community college, where i went for two and half years. It will be a good start for her and i think she will really enjoy herself. Other then that my life is pretty boring. I am just working and going to school which is very busy for me.


Melissa said...

You are busy! How exciting to get to book a cruise!!! Where are you going?

Chantel and Brian said...

School seems to be flying for you! That's got to be nice. I'm glad you'll get some family time soon. And I'm glad you didn't get hurt when you wrecked you bike! A cruise sounds devine about now ( :